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zoon Platform

zoon is an intelligence Business Process Management Platform.

​​Users can use zoon to compose in a low code environment Smart Process-Centric Apps to coordinate mission-critical, industry-specific or company-specific processes more effectively.

zoon Platform offers a Core Engine and API  built on open source components and technologies powered by:​

  • AdminUI and flow designer: a website and an optimized set of tools to design your application and Drag&Drop your process ​
  • a WebUI: a modern digital desktop to engage user activities in a current and skilful user and conversational experience
  • ​some Connectors: a complete and ready to use a set of RESTful web services provided with documentation and examples to create and deploy new web applications easily​
  • powerful APPs: a lot of ready-to-use full-fledged solutions​
zoon ecosystem, platform and solution

Core Engine and APIs

zoon Core Engine and APIs is a run-time engine and a rapid-deployment environment to power up application development and empower enterprise modernization. ​Deploy and configure applications faster with a robust micro-service native platform to score quick wins today and future-proof your business.

zoon Platform is an integrated stack of open-source technologies.

Web UI

zoon WEB UI introduces a new, modern and intuitive User Interface based on material design and a modern, responsive and flexible technology stack. ​With WEB UI, users can quickly and intuitively access their tasks and interact with other users to create value.

​WEB UI included focused tools to help business users to maintain and update content applications, profiles and processes.​


zoon WEB UI introduces a new, modern and intuitive User Interface based on material design and a modern, responsive and flexible technology stack.

Using WEB UI users can quickly and intuitively access their task, act and interact with other users to create value.

WEB UI included focused tools to help business users to maintain and update content applications, profiles and processes.​

Admin UI

zoon ADMIN UI makes it easy to create a process-driven application.

Is a low-code development tool to build and design your application.​ ADMIN UI enables you to approach content as a SaaS.

​You can define and design all the entities your application required, define policy, rules and custom level control of your processes.​

zoon Apps

zoon Apps offers specialised and fully integrated applications with zoon. Every application is an external application and can work standalone, or if you want, you can use them to empower your Smart Process Application and user with powered functions.

Our team tests every application to guarantee the right level that it works correctly with zoon and update and maintains it.


zoon Sign

is SaaS DTM application. zoon Sign flank zoon or your application to manage approval and sign process.


zoon I/O

is a powerful add-on for zoon and your content application. Make easy to create, schedule and define a treatment pipeline (ETL) for your information and ingest it to zoon or other application.


zoon Search

is an Index&Search systems for both enterprise and personal contents. zoon Search extracts knowledge automatically and allows you to search, classify and consult independently by the original content.


zoon Sign

is SaaS DTM application. zoon Sign flank zoon or your application to manage approval and sign process.


zoon I/O

is a powerful add-on for zoon and your content application. Make easy to create, schedule and define a treatment pipeline (ETL) for your information and ingest it to zoon or other application.


zoon Search

is an Index&Search systems for both enterprise and personal contents. zoon Search extracts knowledge automatically and allows you to search, classify and consult independently by the original content.

Connectors and add-on

zoon Connectors offers a easy and practise way to consume and experience information in the O-T-T platform and third parties Applications.​

Office365 connector and Add-in

G Suite connector (Coming soon)


zoon Marketplace offers packed applications that you can activate on zoon.


zoon Booking

is a booking management system, from appointments to the organization of meeting rooms, on a calendar for a corporate ecosystem.


zoon Booking

is a booking management system, from appointments to the organization of meeting rooms, on a calendar for a corporate ecosystem.

2021 ©  zoon è un brand di HN Digee S.r.l.