Managing Enterprise Content in a complex organization means  to take under control a lot of different repositories. 

Integration with legacy systems, databases and line of business applications is a tricky at the same time an interesting assignment and the complexity involved in introducing any new product and seamlessly trying to make it a part of the existing enterprise ecosystem is well known.  

One could argue that technology is at the core of the problem here, and at the same time others could say that a good solution is to design these systems to overcome the technical limitation that lead to the design of an application. 

These issues then become part of a never ending mitigation activity that introduces newer and advanced products as per the market trends, so it’s not unusual to find a never ending Content Management strategies that include always new technical tools without a real good answers. 

The latest Social, Cloud, Mobile and Big Data technology could virtually be set up for a solution that works for the business community as seamlessly as the modern consumer apps In reality technology alone is not the solution to such needs. The answer lies in getting a consensus on at least the following factors that influence the key Architectural decisions 

Organizational culture – mission, vision and values. It is the most significant aspect to keep in mind before designing an ECM architectural landscape where adherence to organizational culture in terms of its mission, vision and values should be given utmost importance. 

Business prospects – use cases and scenarios. This is obvious as only after a thorough understanding of the business requirements, the planning and implementation can begin. 

Strategic milestones – The decision makers involved should understand the goal of such an implementation and its influence on the enterprise in a long run and the changes it could bring in the business processes. 

Legal and Compliance needs. 

End User – Involvement, Contribution and Adoption.